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Meet the team...

Welcome! We’re four students from the University of Navarra and we know firsthand what it’s like to start living on our own and having no time and money to waste on elaborate dishes. Also, starting university with little cooking experience has made us learn a lot in a short time. We want you to learn faster, we want you to get home at the end of a very busy day and still feel happy because you know you’re going to fill your tummy with something delicious you cooked in no time. On the other hand, we want to learn new things. So feel free to drop by, leave us a comment and even send us your recipes. This kitchen is made for all of us, so get your apron on!

Welcome to our page. I am from Guatemala and currently live in Pamplona, Spain where I am majoring in journalism in the University of Navarra.

I love to cook and taking pictures, so what better project than taking pictures of the food I cook? Aside from all these, I love sharing what I do in the hopes it will bring as much help and joy as it does to me. 

I hope you find this page useful.

For any questions or ideas you can contact me via my personal e-mail: 

Andrea Pullin

Hello there, I'm from El Salvador. I'm an international student from the University of Navarre, studying Advertising and Public Relations. This is a proyect for our Communication Multimedia class. 
I enjoy cooking, and I know it's difficult for you, first year students studying abroad but we will help you through out this page and not only you but people who want to learn something new to cook!
Hope you like it!
Here's my e-mail address, if you have some questions just send a message! 


Brenda Orellana

Hi there! I’m a Portuguese Erasmus student for one semester at the University of Navarra and I’m studying journalism. Since coming to Spain I’ve had to give cooking a try and I’ve found it’s not as much of a boring task as I used to think! It’s easier than it looks and it can be a lot of fun. We want you to learn as much as we did living on our own and we also want to learn from your experience! Enjoy!

If you have a question, feel free to contact me:

Maria Monteiro

Hi guys :) I'm Sofia Cardoso and I'm a portuguese student from ERASMUS. I'm only doing one semester in UNAV but I love it here. Before I came to Pamplona on my own, I didn't really know how to cook and everything in the kitchen was like really unknown for me. But then, I started to imitate some simple things that I saw my mother doing it and now I cook well, I think. Now I can do a little of everything and I realize that cooking is very easy! I hope that, with our site, you realize the same.

Any question send me an e-mail:

Sofia Cardoso
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